So much of the point revolves entirely around dissolving the separations. Noticing the perceived contrast until it dissolves back into one stream or Essence.

So then my god mode is not different from the losing of my socks. Talking to my parents doesn’t have to be separate from talking to my Keta. Missing the Fusion dance and going to bachata doesn’t have to be that much different essentially speaking and talking on the phone or using the computer I can still find the same point.

I noticed my foreground resistances and emphasis on things being a certain way, but when I loosen that up I see desire is accomplished regardless of exact specifics, the essence is always present.

God is in all things. Have conviction in this and continue to notice the contrast until it dissolves.

More oneness=more essential action.

It all dissolves back to the same one moment. When I resist it, I forget the dissolution is natural. Give it all up back to source and rest in the moment as it is.