My entire reality is shifting.
To where I am fine no matter what.
I’m no victim to circumstance for shit.
Choices are easy now.
I’m no longer making them with my mind for the most part. I’m recognizing and seeing from essence.
Not taking as real story or concept.
And seeing before space and time and circumstance.
I have a simple answer for everything: surrender and choose what is most essential.
I’ve retired from anything other than the harmony and peace of my essential perfection, and all that supports more of this deepening.
Totally done with indecicion. Fomo. Regret. Mistake and wrongness.
No more.
I rest in essence. Before the world. I have total self realization here, complete and utter source connection that I no longer need to compensate anymore with circumstances. Nothing else matters anymore. And literally matter is not from anything else. And so I can rest in myself now.
I only ever fed the indecision’s and regret, all that fearful perception, because I hadn’t fully shifted to perceiving and resting in myself fully. I was compensating and fearing with stories of my mind. But now…I don’t need. I don’t fear. I don’t even need to know.
I desire my most harmonious beautiful streamlined empowered amazing self and its resulting heaven, my mind-fucking romance with the universe, partnering with Benthino in the mission of global awakening.
It hit me so hard to hear him say…just do what is most simple. Retire from all the complication. My life has been so complicated. So much useless activity all to cover up my own lack of self realization. As I shift to higher levels of completed essence, there is no story. There is no lack. There is silent peace and blissful completion. And I can rest with ease and conviction that I am epic, I am taken care of, all I desire is done. And I revel in more and more beautiful intoxicating essence of desires that dance in my state of being. And now I can prioritize and go to what I want most essentially and fuck the rest (well gracefully so with discernment and inclusion). And how blissful when there is nothing else out there to contradict the bliss of these desires? Nothing but an empty silent void to receive and support them.
I am recognizing the essence in everything. Nothing is holding me back. No more guilt or regret. The so called mistakes are no longer mistakes to feel bad about, rather its all more intel to recognize the essence of and integrate into myself…into more or what I want. Everything is for me! I rest in the essence of a lesson. In all experience I focus on what I want and don’t waste a second on what I don’t, to more subtle levels of refinement I keep going only ever to what I desire most purely. I am so innocent and pure, so devoted, so subtle, that everything appearing comes from a pure intention for more of God. How can I regret when all is utter purity?