A little Embarrassed to say it, and I don’t want to make too much story of it, but I’m definitely experiencing a bit of uncomfortable blockage/backlash since the call of Benthino telling me to “throw the romance in the trash. “

My epiphany is that I don’t want to throw my romance in the trash. It feels amazing and expansive, and I can tune into the purity if it for myself. Falling in love feels so natural.

I sense this is my path into unity, as Benthino mentioned was possible.

Romancing a dream for my life and a partner resonates for me. And as the actual reality unfolds, there is a peaceful joy that feels natural to my blueprint.

And so I don’t want to ever throw my desires away, I want to realize and integrate them at my own pace. I don’t want to skip over them.

And I get conceptually he’s not negating all this I’m saying. I’m the one perceiving a contradiction where there isn’t one. In theory I can include his perspective of “going direct” in my relational romance.

But the point is I am experiencing a contradiction and backlash, and my desire is to again be free in my desire…to throw what Benthino said in the trash if it doesn’t resonante for me.

And this is what I came to.

And God is already one anyway yeah? So I wanted to experience separation to remember my unity.