Opposites are true. I am free.
Opposites are true. Therefore everything and nothing is true. Therefore I am free and beyond any one perspective. Therefore there is no limitation.
Be wary of this idea of connection. I am connection itself, free from any form or separation.
No outside, only me. I am connected and then I share.
I am here to hone my epicness like a Lazer. No other options.
I AM HERE to hone most epic precise badass being in all existence. So powerful. So sexy. So infinite. So intelligent. So all possible. Be the most reosnantw lvie light expression massive healing waves of resonance across the field. Fucking massive as fuck.
Opposites are True, reality is infinite, all possible, all I desire, actually so in this moment MASTER KEY
after talking with you I realized I take for granted my current paradigm now that used to be ungraspable before, such as well of course I’m not the body space or time and of course I’m infinite consciousness having a temporary experience and duh there are other creatures in other galaxies that are also the […]
Mind the edge. Is pure.
I feel the true edge of the moment. I notice the golden chains that feel like repetitions otherwise, ie I’m going to tell you this.. Yada Yada… But TI doesn’t feel truly the edge
It’s all here
My epicness. My cutting edges. All if desire. My steps toy most epi destiny. Effortlessly. Totally all the eya to all I desire. Immediate shifting to detosntg. Honing the source. Is all here all the time. Don’t mind anything else.
Notice figuring out. How it feels.
Notice the peace of letting go. How that feels. Execute what feels better. Notice the subtle differences and aim toy destiny I. Each moment. Apply diahram
My destiny and it’s steps is here in every moment. Free dive through the eye of the needle and notice the contrast until all is my destiny.
Refine the being for the sake of being
Most epic being in existence is the point in and of itself. Apply directly snf that is more than enough. Actually feels even better than any outside validation you will notice. Refine your soul for the sake of your soul and that is the motivation more epic than any relative Goal.
Apply more than write
Do I need to write? Or can direct application and trust be enough. Only write when it feels rlevatn. Otherwise stay in the being don’t dip. Apply diagram.