I wanted to integrate. I wish I didn’t chat Jonathon

I really wanted to integrate after Ben 10’s question I did not want to take Jonathan’s call I wanted to soak into the Epiphanies that I was having and I’m a worried that like I’m distanced from them and I’m going to certain level of density now

Hands off clarity of direction

Tune to desinty frewuncye Clarify the essence and then the pieces come together celarelya nd effortlessly Surrender and hands off and then the momentum is celar Compound the choice and the power and the trust in that clarity of direction that sis true, from surrender See the fear, the offense, the doubt, and focus back […]

Pure momentum do not compensate or settle

I am aware of the tiny obstacles that are created when I indulge compensation that take me away from the momentum it’s subtle but it adds up it fucking does and you know it does


When I stop trying to figure it out the momentum is effortless and clear