Be direct. Speak less. More to the point. Process direct.

Be directProcess directNotice how it feelsAllow it to process DirectDon’t even think before ti’s time. Speak before it’s time.Let it unfold directLet it unwind sirectLet it shift directBe it directSpeak less evenGet more precisely to the pointTrust more the essence of the moment itselfFree dive to the pointAs precisely as possibleSee and remember my diagram […]

My destiny unfolds perfectly mindfuckingly magically epicly always every moment

My destiny is unfolding in perfect timing beyond anything I could ever possibly imagine Every step I take is further clarifying The path to my destiny And desire That has already done I effortlessly digest the differences back to the essence I am clarifying distinctions at an accelerated rate I’m noticing new nuances And bringing […]

My intention is clarify Destiny work hard

My intention from here on out for the rest of the week and for the rest of my life is to hone clarify destiny intensely moment to moment to put in the effort to execute every step towards the passion of my fully accomplished most epic being in all of existence and I do not […]