I hereby declare to honor the essence.
The resonance freshness
The clear knowing
The tuning in to the energy
It is clear
I will notice what comes up. Feel the fears, and allow them to process.
Fwwl the preferences, the ideas, allow them to process from the essence.
Get excited when you are offered an opportunity to surrender deeper to the essence
Refine my subtle intuition.
The precision of my alignment
And yes indeed, I will and am the most epic being in existence.
Riding beingness to perfection.
Subtle alignment is everything. Precise subtle choices.

Eating orange chicken and Chinese food
Over chatting with duc
Over catting with Jeffrey
Staying with Morgan
Over chatting with Bryson
Not dancing and being way off essence the next day.

As I align to the essence, all is taken care of effortlessly
All I do is align the essence, process the fears.
And go deeper and more pure.
It really does feel better.
And it’s scary giving up what I think I want and know.
But I am steneghtneing clarity and conviction that in doing so I am fully supported. And all I desire is given.
And that actually otherwise I am not getting what I actually want.
Once I see that eat I think I want is not actually what I want. It is clear
See the essence. The essence is what I want.
See through the fears to the essence.