Notice resonance
Drop story
Drop beleifs
Drop circumstance
I can notice the resonance, how it feels, with sinoky the slight of intention.
I don’t need to test.
I’ve already tested. I spent my whole life testing how it feels.
Its very clear and couldn’t be mroe clear.
I’d it feels bad, I will feel mroe bad.
If it feels rrosnane, I will feel mroe reosnantw.
Give up your ideas. Tyring to figure it out.
Tell stories about it.
Notice how it feels.
Notice how the intwiton feels.
Don’t even need to do it.
Notice the subtely of how the intention feels.
Save years of testing experience.
No more testing experience.
Notice the subtely intention and align to it with confidence
Choose my resonance.
Be no nonses.
Choose my resonance and trust it supports me.
Drop the rest.

Notice resonance.
Drop the story.
Drop beliefs.
Drop circumstances.
I can notice the resonance, how it feels, with simply the slight intention.
I don’t need to test.
I’ve already tested. I spent my whole life testing how it feels.
It’s very clear and couldn’t be more clear.
If it feels bad, I will feel more bad.
If it feels resonant, I will feel more resonant.
Give up your ideas. Stop trying to figure it out.
Stop telling stories about it.
Notice how it feels.
Notice how the intention feels.
You don’t even need to do it.
Notice the subtlety of how the intention feels.
Save years of testing and experience.
No more testing experience.
Notice the subtle intention and align with it confidently.
Choose my resonance.
Be no-nonsense.
Choose my resonance and trust it supports me.
Drop the rest.

Then you will generate epic waves of energy and ride them with precision.