I couldn’t find the point. Joe was gone. He always helped me find the point. Everyone else I talk to can’t speak to my point, or hold space to help me find my point. Joe always got to the point with me, all the way to the source. He was my source romance. He was my point I and he helped me romance the point.

Holy shit. No wonder I can’t find the point now that’s he’s gone. There is this painful lack of point… An ache for him and his connection nearly every moment. How can I work or do anything without him… Has crossed my mind.

Lack Of source connection it seemed. To be able to see the whole map. Holy fuck it’s been painful. And then I realized a desire so massive:
A quality romance to source, life partner.
A real actual falling in love bond relationship.
To see the entire map with.
Refining the subtleties of experience to and from the source. To build epic dreams with, and business with. Learn epic lessons with.
Most epic romance in existence.
Reciprocal desire.
To hold the point with me. This is what I desire: a partner to hold the point with me.

I thought that was you Joe, but maybe I took you for granted and didn’t realize the fullness of this desire until you left. Maybe you had to leave for me to fully realize what I wanted. I want a serious recirpircal sourceful life partner relationship romance to build a life with, intimacy with, to fall in love with, for the long haul.