Magic of a thousand Disney movies watches through me when I see him again. I feel overwhelming mystical magneticism, my heart is exploding with joy and wonder.

I wake up this morning in an alternate universe. Nothing feels the same… Everything is part of a surreal vibe of the msot heavenly heaven. I fall so deeply in love. I feel a slight contraction that I left the dance so early! Despite the magneticism of my heart and body.

Why did I leave?
My mind is trying to control me with shoulds about sleeping and resting, prepping for work etc.
But I couldn’t sleep anyway, tossing and turning dreaming of him.

I see where my mind tries to control me. I can name countless other times I ignored magical magneticism for sake of shoulds and rules to keep me safe.
I long to follow my heart and absob into a moment 90 percent of time, and be rational maybe ten. Yeah?

I take relief in realizing the essence of the contraction. Soak into the lesson to follow my heart. Take solice in prioritizing freedom over attachment… the most amazing being in existence lets go of the most magical moments, because she knows they are infinitely here’s and more to come. Especially now that she is convicted in following her heart over her mind.